Robert Kao - Science Resources for Educators
This site, Robert Kao Science Education, is designed to share science education resources with educators in K-12 and undergraduate science education. Themes range from hands-on demonstrations, culturally responsive teaching and mentoring tools, and useful tools to monitor cell movement in unicellular organism Tetrahymena. They are aimed to offer new insights into presentation, methods, and engagement with students in the process of inquiry in biology research.
Students are immersed in addressing important research questions in biology, develop a testable hypothesis, and carry out a controlled experiment. Furthermore, they analyze and interpret data, and draw conclusions and identify future research questions.
Hope you enjoy! Best wishes, Bob Kao
Most recent resources
Glial cell ecology in zebrafish development and regeneration
Zebrafish have been found to be the premier model organism in biological and biomedical research, specifically offering many advantages in developmental biology and genetics. The…
Read MoreGlial Bridge Ecology
Glial bridge ecology: cellular mechanisms that drive spinal cord regeneration in Zebrafish Zebrafish have been found to be the premier model organism in biological and…
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Check out these recent science outreach opportunities and events. Submit your photos of recent outreach events!

Project NANO Showcase
Middle schools in the Tri-Cities area recently got the chance to present nanotechnology-related projects during Project NANO Showcase at The REACH. The Showcase is an event sponsored by the special outreach partnership between Heritage University in Toppenish, Heritage University at CBC as well as the Kennewick, Richland and Pasco School Districts. Research posters presented by several teams at the May 23 event in Richland, Wash. covered many aspects of nanotechnology.

Students participate in ArborFest Heritage University Outreach, April 2018.
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